All the volunteers and parishoners were on time as usual.

Candles for the procession were on sale by the hospitality ministers...

the choir was warming up....

overall the pace was well planned and relaxed.....

..almost time ...

..everyone was ready...

..lets move out..

..the float bearers were from the Rangers Camp...

..the crowd at 7pm...

..estimated at 3000.. ( click on the photos to enlarge)

..the altar .....

The priests, readers, ministers, altar servers.....

.. the eucharistic celebration....

..the view from the back looking towards the altar....

..communion stations....


..the crowning of the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

..the Consecration of Families ( totalling 8,449)

..the procession around the church begins..

parishoners taking part in the procession....

..altar servers .. "a cross we carry high "

just before benediction....

parishoners saying a prayer before the shrine before going home....

it was a long evening and there were alot of thirsty parishoners...

the altar servers posing for their annual photo....

until next year...
1 comment:
Hi! Was directed to your blog by Fr Joe so that I could have a look at the OMPH Feastday pictures as I missed attending the Feastday this year. I did enjoy reading your blog. I'm a very relatively new blogger. In fact I only started a blog less than a month ago. Its address is 9perlisroad.blogspot.com
If you have a look then you'll know why I call it by that name. Your photos of Penang and its hawker stalls (especially that of my favourite Chee Chup Choke stall in the coffee shop at the corner of New Lane and McCalister Road) made me nostalgic since I am from Penang and stay just a few roads away from New Lane.
God bless.
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