the choir... wardens..float bearers....

altar servers ...the church bookshop operator too was there early.....

Fr Joe ....saying a prayer before the start....

..everyone to their stations....

Mass began at 7pm sharp.....

..a section of the crowd..estimated at 3000+...

multi did we live without it

the crowning of Mother Mary.....

...the crowning queen is a Sarawakian.....

...the start of the candle light procession whereby the float of Mother Mary is carried round the neighbourhood...

..the float returning to church......


..the mass has ended... flower girls throwing petals at the altar servers...

parishioners saying a prayer at the shrine of Mother Mary.... to be taken home .. a souvenir for the home altar...

..the choir & the final hymn..servers taking a shot with Fr Phillip Lai....

the many views of Mother Mary.....
