Monday, August 13, 2007

Country Drive ..Ulu Chemor (2) ..Orang Temiar village

When i got home after my country drive i checked out the map around Chemor. Turns out that Ulu Chemor is a Malay Reserve and also an Orang Asli reserve for the Orang Temiar...and its served by a lot of rivers....

..and the rivers here are still clear.. Orang Temiar village..i didn't drive in too far to stumble across this village...think i counted about a dozen houses or less..really small area....

..somehow each house has wood and thatched walls.. the end of the road..there was this Orang Asli house ..the real thing.. it was unique and beautiful

uniquely original huh! that a fish trap i see under the house..?

..on the way out ..saw this 'outpost'..looked like a durian collection station...really cool...clear the area..use local material to set up the post...

..the atmosphere in this area is very pleasant driving...check it out...
my next issue is about the batik factory at Ulu Chemor


1 comment:

MAHAGURU58 said...

Thanks for the photos.

Insya Allah, will make a trip there too in the future.

Me and my spouse love traveling to the hinterlands too, to escape the hustle and bustle of city life every now and then.

Am adding you to my blogroll.